
The one year anniversary of Volume 1 marks the release of the next in the series. A mixtape of chopped, screwed, edited and remixed video game beats.

Dj CUTMAN writes:
This album is a labor of love for the games, composers and sound programmers who wrote the soundtrack to my youth.

01. mutecity ft. djgrumble 02:11
02. redsoil 01:47
03. koopatroopabeach + zombiesatemyneighbors 04:16
04. ghostsngoblins (hauntedhousemix) 03:20
05. 100000strong 04:12
06. moonsong 03:32
07. flyingbattery 02:52
08. mrsaturn 01:12
09. decisivebattle 02:00
10. bossbattle 02:23
11. streetsofdesolation 03:26
12. bewaretheforestmushrooms 02:53
13. marblemadnass 04:17
14. thetrial 03:57
15. actraiser 02:24
16. astralobservatory 03:41
17. leavingthebody 03:16
18. platoon 02:36
19. pictionary 02:55
20. themoon 02:49
21. bigblue ft. djgrumble 02:40

Album Credits
Produced by Dj CUtMAN

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