Braving the vast world of Elden Ring, Tune in with Chewie wields smooth guitar riffs and crisp lofi beats in “Godskin Apostles”.

Tune in With Chewie is a Los Angeles-based composer and guitarist, best known for his lofi Metroid tribute Samus & Chill. Appearing in the fantasy open-world epic Elden Ring, “Godskin Apostles” is heard as the theme of a torturous boss fight and was composed by Tai Tomisawa. Chewie cleverly transforms the ominous piece into a lofi beat, laden with layers of guitar lines and a melancholy atmosphere.

Produced by Dj Cutman & Tune In With Chewie
Graphic Design by Chris Davidson
Mastered by Dj CUTMAN
Composed by Tai Tomisawa

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