Glasys, best known for his viral MIDI art and performance videos, makes his GameChops debut with a lofi synth cover of Metroid Prime.

Utilizing three hardware synths, a Moog Matriarch, Prophet XL, and custom Therevox, Glasys designs a soundscape suited to the sci-fi soundscapes of Nintendo’s iconic video game series.

Arranged, recorded, produced and mixed by GLASYS (Gil Assayas)
Mastered by Dj Cutman
Artwork by Sean Thurlow
Composed by Kenji Yamamoto
Originally from Metroid Prime
Video shot and edited by John Thompson (Ballooga Media)
Visor scanning graphics and text by GLASYS

Additional assets:
Metroid Prime logbook font recreated by meetthesharpies
Doorway 3D model by kythulu
Rockwall 3D model by ehrlichmanc
Metroid 3D model by ashquee

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