Curly’s new single “Price” takes Persona 5’s third dungeon theme to new heights with funky organ chords and crunchy bass guitar. It’s a head-bopping groove for summer night drives and stealing hearts.

Curly is a producer and sound engineer based in the UK, known best for their genre-bending Animal Crossing tribute album, “Nook & Chill”. In “Price,” composed by Shoji Meguro, Curly elevates Persona 5’s famously funky soundtrack with their uplifting and tight production. Released for Playstation 4 in 2016, Persona 5 was a runaway hit, spawning an expanded Royal edition in 2020, and ports for Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PC launching in October 2022.

Produced by
Album Artwork by Jackapedia
Video by Helynt
Mastering by Dj CUTMAN

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