Starbomb – Minecraft is for Everyone ( Dj CUTMAN Remix ) is available from Bandcamp, and includes and instrumental version of the song. This is Dj CUTMAN’s remix of Starbomb’s super smash hit Minecraft Is For Everyone from their second album Player Select!

Cutman writes:
I spent over a billion hours hand-sculpting over 41,000 samples per second to give your ears the warm tender loving they so desperately need! Starbomb is the internet supergroup comprised of animator Arin Hanson (also known as “Egoraptor”), Danny Avidan and Brian Wecht of American comedy duo Ninja Sex Party.

Arin and Danny are also known for their “work” on the YouTube channel, Game Grumps! You know, it’s the one where the guys do the thing with the games and everybody laughs. Seriously, they’re a blast to watch, check out their channel. – Dj CUTMAN

Written and performed by Starbomb
Produced and mastered by Dj CUTMAN

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