Explore the world of Hyrule in this expansion on Helynt’s modern classic, Legend of Synthwave Deluxe — 18 Legend of Zelda retro electro and synthwave remixes.
The Legend of Synthwave is the Zelda music you know and love, reimagined as an 80s synthwave soundtrack. The Deluxe Edition features eight new and exclusive remixes of favorites from Zelda games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild. Helynt makes this his biggest album yet, featuring 18 show-stopping synth tracks.
Helynt is a music producer and guitarist from Italy. He’s the artist behind Mario & Chill and the Super Lofi World series. The Legend of Synthwave Deluxe is an expansion and remastering of the original 2020 release, Legend of Synthwave.
Legend of Synthwave Deluxe features memorable Zelda songs such as Outset Island, Song of Storms, and Kakariko Village, and is presented as both a digital album and a double-disc vinyl record.

Legend of Synthwave Deluxe Tracklist
Lost Woods — Ocarina of Time
Outrun Island — The Wind Waker
Tarrey Town Sunsets — Breath of the Wild
Dark World — A Link to the Past
Prince Sidon — Breath of the Wild
Song of Storms — Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of Time Travel — Ocarina of Time
Revali’s Gale — Breath of the Wild
Kakariko Village — Ocarina of Time
Fairy Fountain — Ocarina of Time
Kokiri Forest — Ocarina of Time
Bamboo Island — Skyward Sword
Gerudo Town — Breath of the Wild
Mipha’s Grace — Breath of the Wild
Sacred Grove — Twilight Princess
Hyrule Field — Breath of the Wild
Tarrey Town — Breath of the Wild
Legend of Zelda — The Legend of Zelda
Album Credits
Produced by Helynt
Mastered by Dj Cutman
Retro Future Zelda Art by Onsta
Graphic Design by Chris & Tomi
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